The paths we take to reach our goal will determine our understanding once we are there.

About Me

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In an effort to define myself, I am reminded of something I once read: “Scarcely is anyone the person they were meant to be”. I’ve been many things since the age of seventeen; a soldier, a traveler, a student of trades, a father (to the most unique girl in the world!), and eventually an author. After all these years, I realize that it was never about all the things I could have been, it was what I was always meant to be; a writer. I keep three very close friends. (Who has time for more?) I avidly atv, canoe, read, and ponder on life. I like to be challenged with philosophical questions, even when I do not know the answers. I generally like to think and create. I have a passion for loyalty, and it shows within my living and writings. My life is full of exploration, the next great adventure; a constant always wonder of what could be.

Thursday, February 20, 2014

The Podcast Incentive

  I have encountered the first speed bump in my mobile pursuit. My intention was to craft an app to my website first. However, once I began it, I soon realized that to construct it properly, I would have to have all my supplementary elements formed. So I have set that portion of the project aside and commenced my idea for a podcast.
                In today’s advancements of social media communication, pod-casting is being employed in both educational and entertainment means.  Studies show that pod-casting is an operative and viable learning tool. A mind tends to have more clarity and a sequentially deeper comprehension of the subject matter when experienced through audio. The influence of pod-casting encourages the listener to think creatively. Accordingly, the increased focus allows the listener to retain more of the information. 

                Though pod-casting doesn't have a tremendous annual growth of users when compared to other forms of multimedia communications, it still retains substantial numbers. As reported by The State of the Media, “one-third of all Americans (34%), or 89 million people” state they listen to streaming of AM/FM stations or Internet-only services each month. This is a significant number of listeners to entice to my website through podcasting.
       From my smartphone I was able to record a sound wave. Then applying my Magisto editing app, I was able to clean the vocals and add background music. I then uploaded upload it to my Sound Cloud account. Now within my Sound Cloud stream tracks, I will be able to eventually link the tracks to the mobile website app. My viewers will then have an additional option in familiarizing themselves with my work.

 Santhanam, L.A., Mitchell, A., Rosenstiel, T. “Audio: By the Numbers.” Web. 20 Feb 2014.

"Social Media And Microbiology Education." Plos Pathogens 6.10 (2010): 1-3. Academic Search Complete. Web. 20 Feb. 2014.

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