My ambition for
this study of Studies in Mobile Media is to ultimately create an effective
mobile based version of my desktop
website. The challenge of which will not be
so much in creation as much as the assurance of validity. I basically know the
tools needed, I simply have to learn to apply them productively. To accomplish
this I will analyze various sources on effective mobile based websites, and utilize tools to construct an applicable site.
Thus far, my research seems to be
reassuring. There is substantial information to support the proposition of
designing a mobile based application and feasible platforms available in which
to build it upon. I am hoping that the continued reading of this course will
provide me with additional ideas to incorporate into my overall project.
All of my initial development
will be based upon my website. With a web domain established and WordPress and
HTML coding in place, the next step would be to employ an app as a passage to a
mobile version. From there I hope to condense the format while expanding upon its
features. Forward is the only way to go when it comes to technology.

According to
Danyl Bosomworth, co-founder
of Smart Insights, research shows that mobile devices are now being used more
for internet browsing than traditional desktop computers. This indicator is
quite believable as we look around today. Furthermore, on average, an app is
being utilized 80% of the time to surf the web; far more than conventional
mobile browsers. This tells me that an app is essential.
Interestingly, Android users are
the most unique visitors in terms of entertainment. Amazon ranks fourth among
these unique visitors, surpassed “only by Google, Facebook and Yahoo.” (Bosomworth)
This is a very valuable statistic considering that my novel is sold through the
Amazon website.
At this point within my study I
do not feel overwhelmed with pressure. I think it is progressing at an adequate
pace. Initially there is a substantial amount of examination, such as mobile
web app vs native app. I try to think about what the future holds, both within
this study and for my writing. I want to bring as much success as I can to each
of them.
“Discuss: Mobile Platforms.” Mobile Government. US General Services
Aministration. 11 Feb. 2014.